Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bolivia - Part 1 - The Salt Flats

After a wonderful 3 weeks in Bolivia, we finally found some time to update the blog!  Our first stretch of Bolivia was crossing the border from Chile, crossing the Altiplano, going through the Salt Flats, and making our way towards the center of the country. 

The first taste of Bolivia was the border crossing - basically a dirt line with a 150 sqft shack as the control point.  It was an interesting, and very unique experience! 

As we continued on, we passed several lakes infused with various minerals that changed the colour of the water - red, green, blue, white - all very beautiful.

Our first non-photo-op stop was a natural hot-spring with a view of the snow-capped mountains in the background.  We stayed in until our fingers pruned - luckily our timing was good as about 2 dozen people showed up as we were getting dried off! 

After lunch, we stopped at the Red Lagoon which is home to thousands of pink flamingos. One of the most incredible parts of this area was that on our walk, we found fossilized coral, which was neat, until we realized that we were at 4,000+ meters above sea level - that just messed with our heads...incredible...

We stopped at Rock Valley for a goofy photo-op.

The next day, we visited the Uyuni Salt Lake - over 10,000 sq km and visible from outer space!  Becuase of the reflection, we both got quite the sun-tans, and were just amazed at the incredible sight.  The most difficult part of the trip was watching dozens of vehicles with people shovelling the salt into the open backs of trucks for transport back to the nearest town.  Here, they process the salt and sell it for about C$2 for 15kg...a very hard life...

We spent that evening in one of several salt hotels at the edge of the lake - the bricks, the floors, and most of the furniture - all made of salt...just amazing! 

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