Saturday, April 23, 2011

San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

After departing Argentina, with high hopes of finding better food, we made our one and (sadly) only stop in the desert!  We took a long bus ride to get there...and found some relief from the tediousness of it in the form of a lovely new Aussie friend, named Jamie, who we ended up spending loads of time with once we arrived!
San Pedro was a delightful little town...adobe houses, unpaved, dusty roads...sadly no tumbleweed, though.  There are a large number of hippie tourists who arrive there and decide not to go home...which translates into some really good veggie food options (yay!!!).  The scenery was incredible, the history fascinating, and the energy of the place was really something special!
The best moments came care of a tour that we did, with the aforementioned Jamie, and another Aussie friend Caroline.  We hired a private guide, at a cost remarkably similar to what we would have paid for a 'sheep tour'.  Our guide Dan was an absolute delight...well-informed, spoke perfect english, recited a monologue from Braveheart upon get the picture! 
We were treated to some amazing archeological sights, as well as the Valley of the Dead (an unfortunate name for a really, really beautiful place).  At days' end we found oursleves atop a mountain watching the sun set over Valley of the Moon, with a wonderful bottle of Mendoza of those aaaahhhhhh kind of moments.
As we trekked back down the mountain I saw an opportunity to satisfy a burning urge I'd had all make a sand angel in the dunes!  With the Fun Police out of sight around a bend, I leapt from the marked trail, threw myself down (on the surprisingly hard sand), and flailed away in all my satisfying :o)

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