Saturday, April 23, 2011

Salta, Argentina

Hola Chicos!
It's been a long time since the writing of the blog has fallen into my capable (?)  hands!  Nice to be back :o)
Let me cast my memory back a few weeks...oh yes, to Argentina, the last stop on our tour of said country.  It was the city if Salta.  A cute city, with some interesting architecture, and nice parks & plazas.  We remained fully immersed in the terrible, yes terrible, Argentine cuisine during our stay here!  Random tangent...Argentine food sucks!  There, I said it...with the exception of a few great meals at Vegetarian restos in Buenos Aires (take that carnivores!), food in this country was underseasoned (bordering flavorless), and the veggies passed off as salads were largely wilty and brown...ummmm, ewww!  Don't even ask about what they consider breakfast...
And I'm back...Salta...we stayed in a hotel that was a converted convent (strange), that was really charming, with lovely little courtyards, and a good wi-fi connection (not always easy to find...hence the necessity of the mention).
We took the Train to the Clouds while In Salta, which was a looooonnngggg day!  It departed @ 7am and returned us promptly at 1130pm!  The scenery was pretty incredible, and we met some nice people during the trip!  Also, we both had our first experience with Altitude Sickness...not entirely un-expected since we were at 4400m!
We also did a tour of local wineries, which produced some of the worst wine I've ever tasted! 

Enjoy the pics!

A pretty good indication that you're about to try some stellar wines!!!

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