Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Pantanal

Sorry we've been out of touch for awhile...the internet isn't as widely available in the Brazillian jungle as one might expect!
After we left Rio we headed off to the Pantanal region of Brazil.  It's the largest flood plain on the planet, and contains many areas of jungle as well, so it's a really unique ecosystem.  We were immediatley struck by the unique landscapes and incredible animals in the area...even just the drive to our hotel was remarkable!
For the first part of our time there we stayed at a really cool place called Araras Eco Lodge.  We had an awesome guide, Larissa, who was really knowledgable about the area and put up with all of our dumb questions!  We met some cool Aussies during our stay...Dave & Carol, and Aaron & Rachel.  They were good fun to have around...although their canoe paddling skills were a bit dodgey!
We spent the last few days of our time in Pantanal at a Jaguar Ecological Reserve...with Steve hoping very much to see one of the big cats, but I was more keen to see an Anaconda (is that strange?!?!).  We came out even in the end with neither making an appearance!  That being said, we didn't leave too disapointed as we saw lots of monkeys, beautiful birds, and Giant River Otters (up to 6 feet long!!!).
 Hyacinth Mackaw, and endangerd bird that we were very lucky to see a few of.

Pantanal Limo!

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