Monday, February 7, 2011

a close encounter...

Some of you may not know about Steve's and my burning desire to see a Whale Shark. It's an intense desire...bordering on stems from our first visit here in 2009, when we half expected to see one, given how 'common' they are.  Well, we missed out on our first visit.  So, we've been here for a week now and we figure it's about time!
Well...wouldn't you just know it, there was one spotted half an hour from here yesterday.  We geared up and piled in a boat and off we went! 
It didn't take too long to pinpoint the location, due to the huge boils of blackfin tuna on the surface, and the proximity of the Lodge's other dive boat.  We waited very impatiently for the big guy to make an appearence...some of the passengers on our boat saw him surface to feed (myself not among them).  Since the other boat was already on site when we arrived, they got to go into the water first (according to guidelines surrounding whale shark encounters).  They saw him...for the third time that day...then they departed the scene.  I don't know what they said to the Whale Shark while they were in the water with him, but he saw fit to take off!  That's it...he was gone...GONE! 
The worst thing about all this is that the group that saw him (THREE times), have been staying here for less than 24 hours!  I feel like our senoirity should count for 
I almost found it in my heart to forgive them they're trespasses until the stories and videos (yes videos!) were shared at the dinner table.  I will officially shun them for the rest of their time here.  I welcome advice for any further punishments I should inflict.

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